Call for Papers:
‘Public Sector Management in a Globalized World’
July 2-3, 2015, University of Hamburg, Germany
We cordially invite you to present empirical (both quantitative and qualitative) and theoretical papers. Conference subtopics are:
- Managing regions in a globalized world: theory and practice,
- International non-governmental organisations and private companies as trustees of the public benefit,
- (New) public management as a reform agenda for all seasons and all regions?,
- Sustainable public management practices in an globalized world,
- Acting local, thinking global: the role of public service networks as reform drivers,
- Globalization of resourcing of public infrastructure,
- Resilient public service provision after the financial crisis,
- Cui bono – the search for international public sector accounting and accountability standards.
Submission Process and Deadlines:
Please submit your abstract by March 1, 2015 to (max. two pages). The abstract should include the title of the paper, the line of arguments of the paper, the research questions and the research method of your contribution, and – if applicable – a short description of the empirical results. Please provide the full name, affiliation, and contact information of the author(s) on an additional page. Notes of acceptance will be sent out by March 30, 2015. The authors of the accepted papers are requested to submit the full paper by June 15, 2015. It is envisaged that the conference contributions will be published in 2016.
Selection Committee:
Prof. Dr. Silke Boenigk (University of Hamburg, Germany)
Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel (University of Hamburg, Germany)
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Peter Eichhorn (Emeritus, Mannheim University, Germany)
Prof. Dr. Dorothea Greiling (Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria)
Prof. Dr. Ian Macdonald (President Emeritus, York University, Canada)